It’s fun to design with fresh foliages from your own garden.
An inexpensive way to enjoy fresh floral materials daily in your home is to cut them from your garden. If you don’t have stems of fresh flowers growing there, you can buy those from your local florist or grocery flower market.
Create the base of your design with a long-lasting mix of fresh foliages grown in your own yard. Enjoy the blend of rich textures and colors an arrangement of fresh foliages offers, or add fresh flowers.
- Cut foliages in the early morning or early evening, not in the heat of the day.
- Place stems immediately into fresh, clean water that has flower food added.
- Spray foliages with Floralife Leafshine for an enhanced clean, natural shine.
- Presoak a block of Smithers-Oasis floral foam in water that has Floralife Flower Food added.
- Place your soaked foam into chosen container. In this case your foam would be standing on one end inside the liner of the container. Cut the foam off leaving about 1 1/2″ of foam showing above the top of the container.
Recut stems of foliage to the length needed for the height of your design.
- Add one type of greenery at a time to develop your arrangement with visual balance.
- Mist your arrangement with Floralife Finishing Touch to hydrate greens and increase longevity. This will be a long-lasting design.
- Enjoy the beautiful textures you have combined or add fresh flowers for a special occasion.
- Vary the type of foliages you choose to design with based on the season.
- Add fresh, clean water daily that has Floralife Flower Food added.