Start with the basics
Decorate the handle of a foam-based holder while the foam is dry. Next, place the face of the foam into a shallow bowl of water only deep enough to soak just the foam.
Then, remove the holder and place it with the foam side down on a paper towel to drain before inserting flowers. This will prevent water damage to the decorative holder.
- Even up the narrow, tapered handle to a more uniform size by adding padding to create a straight and widened form. Pad the holder with sheets of plastic, batting or layers of OASIS® Double-Faced Tape.
- Cover the padded treatment with OASIS® Floral Adhesive, OASIS Double-Faced Tape or UGLU™ Adhesive Strips to adhere materials to it.
- Create a faux handle of stems. Remove all foliages from stems. Cut stems all the same length. Place stems side by side, pressing each into the adhesive.
- Add a decorative band encircling the stems that binds the materials more securely. Attach with an adhesive. For decorative choices think Decorative Wire, Raw Muslin ribbon, fabric or fresh foliages, etc.
Personalize your bouquets
Create your own design magic. With a little sleight of hand a bouquet can have the finished look of a hand-tied bouquet with the freshness of flowers in a water source.
Have fun experimenting with clever decorative materials to create intriguing looks for ‘real’ handles on your faux hand-tied bouquets.

Sharon McGukin
Sharon McGukin sharonmcgukin.com
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